Friday, January 23, 2015

Prayer for Release from Anxiety - A Post-to-Phone Messages

I just uploaded to Amazon my first Post-to-Phone Message book, Prayer for Release from Anxiety. This small book is a slimmer, trimmer adaptation of  Prayer Therapy of Jesus focusing only on Anxiety.

Purchase Prayer for Release from Anxiety for $0.99 and open it on your smart phone. Bookmark the specific prayer for release from anxiety. You will have it as close as your phone, so you can open and read the prayer each day, and specifically when you are feeling anxious.

I have included pages on prayer therapy development and a devotional using the topic of Anxiety. In Prayer Therapy, you pray the specific prayer for release from anxiety three times a day, then live the remainder of the day, knowing God has heard your prayer and give him thanks.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

To Sign Books or Not to Sign Books, That is the Question

There seems to be a debate among writers if they should or shouldn’t have book signings. One writer said, “I would just die if no one spoke to me.” Here is the secret to a successful book signing: Talk to them first!

Engage them in conversation about whatever is in their immediate surroundings, like — the weather, something they are wearing, or a book they’re holding. Then ask them something like, “May I tell you about the books I’ve written?” Does everyone buy a book? — Of course not. Do most of the people want to hear about your books? — Of course they do.

A book signing isn’t about how many books you sell. It’s about how many readers you meet. The young woman who captured my heart at a signing event yesterday, said, “I graduated from high school and I’m in college now. But, I have never read a book.” She picked up, Length of Days – The Age of Silence, and said, “I’m going to read this one.” That young woman is why I do book signings. Awaken a love of reading in someone, and lead them on an adventure into places and people they have never known, and you will expand their world and bless the lives.
"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine.”
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Books by Doris Gaines Rapp
News at Eleven (Glo Magazine Jan, Feb, March, and April 2015 – now on newsstands and online at - page 50-51
Just a few of my Novels:
Length of Days – The Age of Silence
Length of Days – Beyond the Valley of the Keepers (End of February)

News at Eleven – A Novel (April 2015)

Monday, January 5, 2015

Through A Ca-Person’s Ears

Our Silky dog is not a canine. She’s a ca-person, I’m sure. She takes the blame when the computer acts up – “It’s Baby Dog’s fault,” is my favorite assignment of cause. She takes it in her stride, which is, by the way, right behind me when I walk about the house. She also takes credit when something, which has been lost, suddenly turns up. “Look, Baby-Dog found it.” So, it’s fun at times to see my writing through Baby Dog’s ears.

Since she is a well educated ca-person, having graduated from Dog Training classes, I try to make sure I use the correct tense and that spell-check in operating correctly. But, her greatest asset to me is her willingness to listen to my stories as I read them to her.

The elementary school in Berne, Indiana had a resident dog that slept on a pillow outside the nurse’s office. Children penciled in an appointment to sit on the floor beside the Book-dog and read their favorite tales to them. Reading aloud has almost become a thing of the past, with audio books being very expensive and parents working long hours.

If your writing is suitable for children, invite them to a reading in your living room or the public library, with cookie served of course. If you have a polite ca-person who will sit on your lap during the reading, you will gain extra praise from your listeners.

However, you don’t need an audience of willing listeners to critique the words you’re writing. Your own ears are important. You just need to read everything aloud. Your words will either ring true to you, or they’ll fumble in your mouth and demand correction. If you are lucky enough to have a ca-person in your home, they make excellent listeners too. You could borrow Baby-Dog, but she sleeps a lot and is seldom available for outside bookings. Happy writing, happier reading in 2015.
Doris Gaines Rapp
Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Writer's Resolution

I don’t like New Year’s Resolutions. All they turn out to be are sad, worn out, nearly forgotten, unfulfilled promises by the time the snows of January lay deep on the ground. But, my writer’s heart and creative mind tell me that I will continue to write in 2015 and beyond, so I choose a purpose.

I resolve to write that which is acceptable unto God, each story lifting up a piece of Him: love, forgiveness, hope, joy, peace, acceptance, compassion, anticipation, inspiration, all that which will bring the reader closer to Him.

Copyright 2015 Doris Gaines Rapp

Books by Doris Gaines Rapp
News at Eleven (Glo Magazine Jan, Feb, March, and April 2015)
Length of Days – The Age of Silence
Escape from the Belfry
Smoke from Distant Fires
Hiawassee – Child of the Meadow
Length of Days – Beyond the Valley of the Keepers (January 2015)
News at Eleven – A Novel (April 2015)

Collection: Christmas Feather, one of eight short stories in a wonderful collection titled, Christmases Past
Lincoln’s Christmas Mouse

Waiting for Jesus in a Can’t Wait World – Advent 2014
Prayer Therapy of Jesus
Promote Yourself