Saturday, November 8, 2014

November - Native American Month

Don't forget that November is Native American Month. Two of my books will be interesting as we remember our history.
Hiawassee - Child of the Meadow:  A Cherokee woman walks from North Carolina with her settler husband into the new state of Indiana in the 1800's. She is rejected by his family, his community and his church. Though shunned, Hiawassee lives her life by the ideals of Christian love and forgiveness, and Cherokee balance.
Smoke from Distant Fires: A fourteen year old girl finds out that Tecumseh's brother, the Prophet, is buried in her great-great grandparents' apple orchard. She is afraid she will be teased. Her friend is missing. A stranger lurks in the background. She knows that some families still mourn loses from the Indian Wars. The Shawnee, Old Grandfather tells her, "Smoke from distant fires can still sting the eyes." That is, if you let it.
Doris Gaines Rapp
Copyright 2014 Doris Gaines Rapp
Both books available on Amazon, Cokesbury, Barnes&Noble and others

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