Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Length of Days Trilogy—available at, Barnes&, and others.

LENGTH OF DAYS TRILOGY:  Political correctness carried to extremes of cruelty; the drugging of all citizens for ultimate control; a kidnapping; gunfire; freedom for oppressed people; a presidential election with candidates not chosen by the ruling elites; and a growing love story. 
Author: Doris Gaines Rapp

Book 1:  LENGTH OF DAYS – THE AGE OF SILENCE.  In 2112, Christiana Applewait awakens from the silence of political correctness forced on all citizens when detoxed at age twenty-four. Her grandparents, members of the Council of Twelve, have reached the age of extermination and will enter the never-ending-sleep. She and her friends must get signatures on petitions in the Central Zone to overturn the Length of Days Law. Will they get them in time to save Christiana’s grandparents?

Book 2:  LENGTH OF DAYS – BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE KEEPERS. Christiana and her friend, Dr. Jason O’Reilly, travel across forbidden zone borders in order to complete petitions to overturn the Length of Days Law for the entire country. They meet the chosen children, rescued from the furnaces. They have help from the Hollow Ones of the west and the Underlings of the east. Although fired on, they race the clock to complete the task.

Book 3:  LENGTH OF DAYS – SEARCH FOR FREEDOM.  Christiana’s grandfather, Oliver Richly, agrees to run for the office of president of the United States, the first such open and free election in nearly one-hundred years. Richly is kidnapped—Christiana and Jason search for him. Danger lurks around every turn. Held at gun point, they must face the one who has been their enemy in each book. If they don’t find Richly, he may be removed from the election ballot and threaten the citizen’s referendum to abolish the Length of Days Law.

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